Here, showing his many sides, are photos of WOOFY from a recent ‘modelling assignment’ This lovely lad is easy to walk – he is not without his ‘giddy’ moments – but on the whole he’s a steady lad who doesn’t react to other breeds of dog when out on his daily walks.
Despite his name ‘WOOFY’ is actually a very quiet dog! He has enjoyed trips to Starbucks with our walking volunteers and has taken the experiences completely in his stride. We believe WOOFY would be happy to live as an only dog and is more than ready for his forever home. More details of our homing requirements, along with an application form, can be found on our website www.makants.uk
Photos Paul Maxwell, Marie Coulton
Makants – Burns UK charity of the year 2022/23

Makants Greyhound Rescue is based at:

Makants Farm, Mort Lane, Tyldesley, M29 8PF

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