We’re starting the week again with our ‘Myth Buster Mondays’ where we discuss some of the widely held greyhound myths.
Some people believe that greyhounds are ‘dangerous dogs’ having seen them wearing muzzles. Greyhounds are used to wearing muzzles as they wear them when racing, this is for protection as if they get excited they could accidentally nip or catch each others skin. Greyhound skin is paper thin and wearing a muzzle would protect them from injury.
Also, bearing in mind greyhounds are sighthounds and have been taught to chase small furry animals, it is advisable for them to wear muzzles when newly adopted until they settle in. Once an adopter knows the dog and is sure it is safe around smaller animals the muzzle can be removed. Most greyhound rescues advise the wearing of a muzzle for the first two weeks of being in a home. It is a sign of being a responsible dog owner too, and all our kennel hounds wear muzzles when out on their daily walks.
photo Sue Bentham
Makants – Burns UK charity of the year 2022/23

Makants Greyhound Rescue is based at:

Makants Farm, Mort Lane, Tyldesley, M29 8PF

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