For as little as £5 a month you can make sure there’s always somewhere safe and warm for greyhounds to call home while they wait to find a family.
You can sponsor a kennel for 3 months (£15), 6 months (£30) or 12 months (£60). We have kennel numbers 1 to 10 to choose from with details of who is occupying your sponsored kennel (please note however that this will change as the dogs are homed). Your sponsorship money will ensure support for veterinary care, food, bedding, rehabilitation, enrichment care and grooming for our kennel guests.
You will receive a certificate showing details of your sponsorship which can be personalised for someone special or as a gift to celebrate a special occasion.
Please see our website www.makants or use this link for more information on kennel sponsorships:
**Closing date for Xmas is now 12th December **