We continue to share the great homing news from the Easter weekend and this time the lucky hound is LEWIE!
LEWIE is now living in Tyldesley with Makants volunteers Vicky, Keith and family. He also has adopted Makants hounds GLO and FLYNN for company – all brindles too!
LEWIE represented Makants at the recent fundraising event at Horwich Pets at Home and behaved impeccably. Vicky and Keith tell us that LEWIE is a very clever boy who is also partial to a tummy tickle. He hasn’t discovered the sofa yet but it’s only a matter of time we think!
Many Congratulations to the whole family!
photo credit Jo Maxwell

Makants Greyhound Rescue is based at:

Makants Farm, Mort Lane, Tyldesley, M29 8PF

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