Happy Valentine’s Day
Valentines poem
by Fiona Hughes
Something melted in my heart the day I saw your face
Nervously looking at me from the Rescues Facebook page
I read the things about you and what they had to say.
Your little face stayed in my thoughts for the remainder of the day.
They said you still had to learn your name
To get you to love me was my ultimate aim
It’s true what they say, those who know the breed best
You have an oversized heart in your big deep chest.
When I finally got to meet you, you were timid and shy
Sitting in your kennel as the world passed you by
As I sat beside you and told you that you now were free
You snuggled that bit closer and put your paw upon my knee
When the day came to take you home this is what I said
‘This is your home now my precious hound’ as I gently stroked your head.
We make the best match you were meant to be mine
You are my forever my Valentine