Great Global Greyhound Walk 2023

Our Great Global Greyhound walk this year will take place at Windy Bank Woods Glazebury WA3 5QF on Sunday 24th September, setting off at 11am.
Parking is available at Bents Garden Centre but please park as close to the woods entrance as possible . The main walk takes about 1.25 hrs and is approximately 3.5 miles , there’s a shorter walk available which is about 20-30 mins
The paths are quite good but obviously weather plays a part as far as footwear is concerned. Please note the entrance to the start of the walk is quite narrow.
We ask for a donation of £2 per hound please and this walk is strictly SIGHTHOUNDS ONLY.
The theme this year is National flags.
The pet cafe at Bents will be open for refreshments after the walk and we will also be selling dog related items such as leads, collars, treats and all types of greyhound coats

Makants Greyhound Rescue is based at:

Makants Farm, Mort Lane, Tyldesley, M29 8PF

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