Do you know that Makants Greyhound Rescue operates a GIFT AID scheme?
This scheme allows charities to reclaim an extra 25% in tax on every eligible donation. This is an ideal way to help boost our income in these financially difficult times. For example a donation of £10.00 could generate a further £2.50 in income. A £100.00 donation a whopping £25.00!
If you donate to us now, or have donated to us within the last 4 years by either:
A single donation
A regular Paypal or bank transfer payment
Current or past kennel sponsorship,
– YOUR DONATION could be considered for gift aid.
If you want to join the scheme, are unsure if you are currently part of it, or would just like more information, please contact us on admin@makants.uk
photo credit Shilpa Grewal
Makants – Burns UK charity of the year 2022
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