You may have seen our post earlier in the week where we shared worrying news about long stay hound PATRICK.
We have recently discovered a lump on Patrick’s side. He has had tests and a biopsy with a scan booked for Thursday next week. When we have all the results we will have some decisions to make and to be honest we are quite concerned.
While we will do everything we can for him as you know all tests and treatment come with a high cost. We rarely ask for donations, but for our longest stay hound (6 years) we know that many of you may like to help with the cost.
If you are able to send a donation please send your gift via Paypal to fundraising@makants.uk and mark your donation ‘Patrick’.
The lovely lad still has a great quality of life, enjoying his daily walks, time in the paddock and time spent with his favourite walkers (especially if they have sausages).
We promise to keep you updated, in the meantime you can be assured he is receiving plenty of T.L.C from us all. Thanks to you all for your previous messages of support which were lovely to read and comforting for Siobhan, he certainly is a very much loved hound.
photo credit Shilpa Grewal