Three year old ‘pocket rocket’ MILLIE arrived with us on the 15th August last year and settled in well.
This girl may be small in stature but is certainly large in character! Millie has a zest for life and is interested in everything going on around her, she doesn’t want to miss a thing! Millie does get a bit giddy if she knows she’s going on a walk but does settle down once out and about. For a girl so active she equally also loves lazing in her kennel and if anyone can provide some fuss, even better!
MILLIE treats everyone as though they are her very best friend. She will need a home with owners who have previous dog experience, preferably of greyhounds, and who are willing to give her a fair amount of exercise. Any children must be older (10 plus) as smaller children could get knocked over if Millie gets a bit giddy.
She really is a lovely girl with a lot of love to give.😍
Millie is shown here with volunteer John, obviously taking sun safety very seriously!
More details on our homing requirements and an application form can be found on our website
photo: Jo Maxwell
@burnspet@burnspetfood #poweredbyburns
Makants – Burns UK charity of the year 2002