We are now officially able to share some very exciting news with you all!
On Friday at kennels we had a visit from John Burns, MBE, founder of Burns Pet Nutrition. He was there to present a plaque to Siobhan as we are now officially recognised as their:
John had a tour of the kennels, met our volunteer representatives as well as founder Siobhan and Trustee Jo and presented Siobhan with a plaque – which will soon have pride of place in the rescue grounds.
Burns Pet Nutrition are passionate about supporting and giving back to the community having their own in house charity and offering wider support to rescues such as ourselves. There are also social media opportunities available to us which enable our rescue to become known to a wider audience, ultimately helping more hounds into homes. Their support is so welcome, especially in these financially difficult times.
‘Makants are looking forward to working with Burns Pet Nutrition over the coming year and, with their support, we believe we can help even more greyhounds into homes’.
photo credits Jo Maxwell