As 2019 draws to a close we’d like to look back and touch on some of the events of this year. The most memorable event must be when Pheby joined us in February from the notorious now closed Canidrome in Macau and soon settled into kennel life. Happily Pheby was adopted in the summer by Julia and regularly has play dates with Emily, another Macau hound. Both hounds met Father Xmas this year, what a contrast to this time last year when they were living thousands of miles away in single sparse concrete kennels.
Word of our rescue has continued to spread far and wide and this year, as well as homing locally, we have homed hounds as far away as Harrogate and in Northamptonshire. Our total hounds homed this year is 76 making the total over 6 years now standing at 385 which we think is a great achievement. We were delighted that two of our long term kennel hounds Ozzie and Blue (now Baloo) were able to spend Christmas happily in their forever homes.
Our 2018 pups, the ‘Makants 9’ and the ‘Makants 5’ continue to flourish and held their first birthday parties in April and June at the Crooke Hall Inn, having special doggie birthday cakes made for them. Such lucky hounds.
We’ve had great support from local Pets at Home stores in Horwich and Walkden during the year and look forward to a continued relationship with them in 2020.
Volunteer support: Our volunteer support this year has been phenomenal! Our Crafters Group has gone from strength to strength enabling us to fundraise at many local Artisan markets – we are so lucky to have such talented people volunteering for us. Our walking volunteers continue to walk the hounds despite whatever the weather throws at them ensuring the hounds have a walk every day of the year. We realise we are lucky to have so many volunteers working hard behind the scenes for us – those helping in kennels, fostering, taking hounds to the vets, our admin. team, Trustees, our home checkers – to them all we say a big ‘thank you’.
We also remember those dear to us who we sadly lost this year. We think of Joe Bradford, Phil Beattie and Janet Splaine, all devoted and long standing volunteers who are sadly missed. All had been involved with the rescue for many years and their absence is still keenly felt.
Sadly some of our adopted hounds have crossed the rainbow bridge. We remember Honey, Pedro, Annie, Bobby, Dino, Tigga, Kali and Rosie and send our love to their owners and thank them for giving these hounds wonderful homes. We send our thanks to those of you who have adopted Makants hounds. Thank you for taking one of our greyhounds into your home and allowing them to experience life as a treasured pet.
We’d like to close by thanking all our supporters for being there for us in 2019 and to wish you all a very Happy New Year – we’re sure 2020 is going to be the best yet!