We are so pleased that Makants have been invited to have a Show Garden at the upcoming Chorley Flower Show in July! This will be a fantastic opportunity for our volunteers to not only showcase their garden, but also to reach a wider audience and a great opportunity to highlight greyhounds as pets, which in turn will lead to more homings.
As we need to purchase approximately 100 plants we are looking for donations towards this cost. If you’d like to donate please do so by Paypal to: donation@makantsgreyhounds.co.uk (note no ‘s’ on donation) and mark your donation ‘PLANT POT’. With thanks in advance.
We are also looking for sponsors for the garden, if you or anyone you know would be willing to help us with this please get in touch. Our e mail is admin@makants.uk
photo credit Shilpa Grewal
photo shows our dog of the month NIGEL😍

Makants Greyhound Rescue is based at:

Makants Farm, Mort Lane, Tyldesley, M29 8PF

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