Today we’d like to introduce adopted Makants hound KATE and her human Wendy. KATE has been in her forever home for six years now. Initially she was recovering from an injury as a foster hound and then never left! She was later joined by her ‘brother’ Heston who’s a little more reserved.
We asked KATE’s human Wendy to answer some questions for us:
Why should anyone adopt a greyhound?
Because they are easy dogs, gentle and loving and they rarely bark. They can cope equally with longer walks or short distances and you honestly soon get used to their size.
What makes greyhounds special?
They are different to other dogs! Their idiosyncrasies include ‘roaching’ (relaxing lying on their back legs in the air) nittering” (chattering teeth to show contentedness) and they always seem to have an escaped tongue when they’re asleep!
Details on our homing requirements and all our hounds looking for homes can be found on our website www.makants.uk
photos Jo Maxwell
Kate is shown working the crowds at the recent Avant Garden centre fundraiser