You may wonder what goes on behind the scenes at kennels and in the wider Makants world so we thought we’d do a little ’round up’ of last week, just to give you an idea.
*We had a total of 5 new dogs arrive during the week so Siobhan and Shilpa certainly have their hands full with 18 hounds now in kennels
*Volunteer walkers had to contend with horrendous weather conditions on several days making walks rather challenging – and still had smiles on their faces!
*Volunteer Steve overhauled our sand paddock (and made a great job of it)
* We had a fundraising team out at the Worker Bee markets in Bramhall on Saturday, a great new venue for us. Volunteer Dave also attended the Car Boot sale in Warrington
*The on site kennels shop welcomed customers and donations on Thursday and Saturday
*Our fundraising auction started for an original Angela Banwell painting on our facebook auction page
*Home checks were undertaken by our experienced volunteers
*Crafters group continued making fabulous items for us to sell
*We managed to expand our fundraising opportunities and display some of our craft items instore at Avant Garden Centre and Clipsley Pets & Aquatics
*Two hounds – JEAN and DENNIS found their forever homes😍
That’s just a small snapshot of the activities this week, we feel exhausted just reading it!