Back in February 2019 we received into our care a female greyhound called FIRE.
For those not aware, prior to her arrival there had been a worldwide campaign put in place to rehome over 500 greyhounds when the notorious Canidrome in Macau closed. Greyhounds were rehomed all over the world, including the UK, and our rescue was able to take just one, FIRE.
This little girl was collected from Heathrow by Siobhan and Sue and brought to our kennels and renamed PHEBY, the name being a connection to Siobhan’s mother who she had just recently sadly lost. Over the next few months PHEBY enjoyed many new experiences, seeing the world for the first time, and even experiencing simple pleasures such as walking on grass and enjoying spending time in the sunshine.
Adopted by Julia in July that year PHEBY went on to live in South Manchester and began to enjoy living as a much loved pet, having greyhound friends and celebrating many birthdays and ‘gotcha’ days. The last few years Julia and PHEBY have been living in North Wales. Julia sent in this photo and says ‘PHEBY’s doing great for a senior lady, and loving her beach walks each day here in North Wales.’
Happy Birthday PHEBY!
photos Julia, Celine Tang

Makants Greyhound Rescue is based at:

Makants Farm, Mort Lane, Tyldesley, M29 8PF

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