This week has been National Volunteers’ week and we’ve loved letting you know about our volunteers and some of the many ways they help the rescue. The love and commitment they show towards the greyhounds and the rescue is just fantastic.
As the week draws to a close we thought we should also shine a light on the Trustees at Makants. They have a very responsible role as they are legally responsible for the control, management, and administration of the charity. They also have overall control and are responsible for making sure it’s doing what it was set up to do.
We are lucky to have five dedicated Trustees – Siobhan, Sue, Wendy, Fiona and Jo who spend many hours volunteering, many of them on behind the scenes work, to ensure the rescue continues to flourish. We send them all our grateful thanks.
Remember if you’d like to get involved at Makants we are looking for fundraisers to join our team – please e mail on admin@makants.uk to join us.

Makants Greyhound Rescue is based at:

Makants Farm, Mort Lane, Tyldesley, M29 8PF

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