We’ve some fabulous news of a Christmas Eve adoption and the lucky hound is WOOFY!
WOOFY, now known as HARRY, is living in the Rochdale area with Chris and Lexi.
Chris and Lexi sadly lost their beloved Makants hound Dougie in September and later, for their greyhound ‘fix’, started volunteering again at kennels. They hadn’t planned on adopting again quite so soon, but found they developed a soft spot for WOOFY.😁
They tell us ‘WOOFY settled straight in on his home trial and was soon roaching. We have decided to call him HARRY because the little scar on his face might remind the geeks among us of Harry Potter! HARRY has a few funny quirks and loves to snuggle on the sofa with us, in fact he takes great offence if we sit on the other sofa without him!’
We send our love and congratulations to HARRY, Lexi and Chris.