Kennel hound FLIGHT was lucky enough to enjoy a day out in Chorley last weekend with our volunteer Chris.
FLIGHT was able to visit Astley Park, spend time in the Cafe there, and also relax in Chris’s home too!
Chris tells us ‘FLIGHT really enjoyed his visit to the park, sniffing new smells, meeting other dogs – who he got on fine with – and also their humans. The cafe was busy and noisy but he wasn’t fazed at all and enjoyed a few biscuits. When he got to my house he had a good sniff around, then spotted the duvet I’d laid out for him and promptly flopped down on it to have a snooze!
FLIGHT travelled well in the car too. It was a pleasure to spend time with this true gentleman, he’s a great ambassador for the breed.’
Well done FLIGHT!
Our thanks to Chris for allowing FLIGHT to enjoy all these new experiences.❤
photos Chris Bingham

Makants Greyhound Rescue is based at:

Makants Farm, Mort Lane, Tyldesley, M29 8PF

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