🌟Announcing our 6th ‘MEET A GREYHOUND’ information session!🌟
September’s session will take place on:
SATURDAY 30th SEPTEMBER from 11.30 am – 1.00 pm at our kennels site on Mort Lane, Tyldesley M29 8PF
**PLACES ARE STRICTLY LIMITED and MUST BE BOOKED IN ADVANCE **BY EMAIL TO: admin@makants.uk where you will be allocated a time during this time frame.
(No dogs please).
These events have certainly proved very popular with the aim of attracting more people new to greyhounds and who are keen to find out about the breed. It is an ideal opportunity to come along to kennels, ask questions, and meet a greyhound – or two – at the same time.
The very energetic adopted Makants hound BILLY and fur ‘sister’ ADA are looking forward to meeting you! 😂😂
‘Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about greyhounds…but were afraid to ask!’
Makants – Burns UK Charity of the year 2022