Each year during the first week of June we love to celebrate National Volunteers’ Week, and this year is no different in that respect. This week we will be throwing the spotlight on a few of our volunteers and sharing their volunteering story. Volunteers are more than important to us at Makants – they are essential – as the rescue simply wouldn’t exist without them. While we can’t have any volunteers at kennels at the moment we will certainly be looking for more to join our team in the future.
‘My volunteering story starts in 2015 after I had finished a job at a Greyhound and Lurcher Rescue. I began walking the dogs at Makants for a few months while I was between jobs but unfortunately life gets in the way and, once I secured another job, I wasn’t able to get to kennels as often. However, knowing I had some experience with greyhounds and having undertaken home checks previously, I was asked if I was interested in carrying out home checks for Makants. Of course I said I would.
I love meeting prospective owners and guiding them through the process of adoption as well as offering advice and tips to people new to the breed. I keep in touch with a number of adopters who often message me with updates or questions; I also meet up with a couple or bump into them as they are local to me. The home check team has grown a little over the years as rehoming figures have increased and I love being part of it, we all love the dogs and endeavour to get them the best homes possible.
Just before I started walking for Makants we had lost my old greyhound boy Joe at the age of 13, we also had a younger greyhound, Roo, who was just 1 and we felt he could do with a companion but didn’t feel ready to adopt. While I was at kennels one day two new boys came in, one of them was Neil. We took him on foster for a week which ended up being two weeks then we said we would keep him until he found a home which he did – with us! We have fostered a number of hounds since too, for long weekends and Christmas holidays.
Makants is a fantastic rescue and all the volunteers genuinely care about the dogs and do whatever they can to help Siobhan with all aspects of running the charity – a charity which I’m proud to be part of’.
Thank you Joanne!