Each year during the first week of June we love to celebrate National Volunteers’ Week, and this year is no different in that respect. This week we will be throwing the spotlight on a few of our volunteers and sharing their volunteering story. Volunteers are more than important to us at Makants – they are essential – as the rescue simply wouldn’t exist without them. While we can’t have any volunteers at kennels at the moment we will certainly be looking for more to join our team in the future.
‘I started volunteering about three and a half years ago shortly after adopting Makants hound Wolfie, now named Alfie.
I was invited to come along to try a street collection with no obligation and was made very welcome by all the volunteers, which was good as I was a bit nervous about the whole thing. However, I needn’t have worried, I loved it!
Recently I haven’t been able to commit to regular dates due to my partners illness but I still help by putting my crafting abilities to use to make items for them to sell. To raise funds I also attend events whenever I am able.
Through volunteering for Makants I have made friends and found that volunteering gives you great satisfaction. It is literally the best thing I’ve ever done! No special skills are needed and there are many different ways you can help. I would say to anyone thinking of volunteering (when normality returns) to take the plunge and give it a go, there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain.’
*Please note our kennels remain closed to visitors and volunteers for the time being*