Friday Feature – JOE
Kennel hound Joe was lucky to have a weekend sleepover recently with our regular volunteer Andy.
While Joe wasn’t sure of Andy’s car he loved his new experience of being in a home and made sure to investigate every inch of Andy’s house. He made himself quite at home but found the greyhound he met in the mirror rather interesting and wondered why he kept following him!
Joe enjoyed all his walks and was lucky to visit the beach too but he wasn’t too sure about getting his feet wet. Joe can still be reactive towards other dogs but, with the right handling and giving him time and space to observe other dogs, he can watch them calmly walk past.
Andy summed up Joe by saying ‘Joe is affectionate, a quick learner and a lover of cheese!’ He also nicknamed Joe ‘Farticus Maximus’ – we think that is self explanatory! 🙂
If you would like to find out more about Joe, featured here please contact either Sue our re-homing co-ordinator on 07794463249 or Siobhan at kennels on 07960561988. Alternatively you can complete our short homing questionnaire on our website www.makantsgreyhoundrescue.co.uk which can be found under the ‘adopt/foster’ tab.